ECTMIH2023: It's a wrap!

Geplaatst op 29-11-2023  -  Categorie: Nederlands

ECTMIH2023: it's a wrap!


As the curtains close on a remarkable conference, we extend our deepest gratitude for your enthusiastic participation. ECTMIH2023 was more than a scientific gathering; it was a shared exploration that activated not only our minds but also our hearts and bodies, fortifying our collective commitment to planetary health and universal well-being.

A special thanks to our esteemed speakers, dedicated chairs, meticulous organizers, and the enthusiastic volunteers who contributed to the success of this event. Your efforts created an atmosphere of collaboration and knowledge-sharing that made the conference truly exceptional.

Did you miss ECTMIH2023?

Don't fret! The sessions from the main hall have been recorded and can be found here. You can rewatch many highlights from the comfort of your own house, or re-watch to revive your memories. Keep an eye on our website, social media and newsletter. 

Photos & podcast

Much insightful information has been collected by Doris van der Heijden and Ashis Brahma in their ECTMIH2023 podcast. More than 40 interviews have been conducted! You can find the podcast episodes with daily recaps here, and individual interviews will continue to be added over the next few weeks. Our great photographers Kors de Bruin and Sam Hundersmarck have captured the conference beautifully. We will continuously add their pictures to this folder. The recordings of the sessions that took place in the main hall will also be made available in the next few weeks, and circulated through our ECTMIH2023 newsletter, organising partners and social media (#ECTMIH2023).

Planetary health page

Moreover, take advantage of our Planetary Health page, featuring valuable resources, including a free 10-hour Planetary Health course. Elevate your understanding of planetary health and health equity and explore ways to contribute to a resilient future. We would love to hear from you if you have resources that we can add to this page. Please share these through the feedback form (see below) or contact us via ofni.[antispam]

For those keen on continuous learning, know that consider the Elevate Health Course on Planetary Health, available until January 15th, 2024. This online course, developed and presented in collaboration with UMC Utrecht and other esteemed institutions, delves into key aspects of planetary health.

Stay up to date!

Don’t miss any Global Health & ECTMIH information by registering for the newsletter of the Dutch organising bodies. To register, scroll down on this page and leave your informations behind. 

See you at ECTMIH2025?

Stay connected with us through FESTMIH, NVTG, Knowledge Centre Global Health (KCGH), and UMC Utrecht, and all other partners. We look forward to meeting you again during ECTMIH2025 in Hamburg, Germany: 29th September - 2nd October 2025.

Once again, thank you to everyone present for being part of ECTMIH2023. Your passion and dedication contribute to the global dialogue on health equity, global health, planetary health and sustainability. Let’s keep our planetary health glasses on in all our future work! 


Photos: Kors de Bruin




Kenniscentrum Global Health (KCGH)
Arthur van Schendelstraat 650
3511 MJ Utrecht

KVK 78717590


Kenniscentrum Global Health is opgericht door de NVTG en het OIGT met als doel global health kennis toegankelijk en bruikbaar maken ten behoeve van de Nederlandse gezondheidszorg.

KCGH wordt gesubsidieerd door het ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport.

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