What is it like doing a PhD in Global Health in the Netherlands?

Geplaatst op 10-10-2024  -  Categorie: English

​Together with Uniting Streams, we dove into the diverse paths of doing a PhD in global health in The Netherlands at the Global Health Geek Out: PhD Stories event two weeks ago. πŸŒπŸŽ“ Three PhD candidates—Ella de Vries, Laura Martínez Apráez and Jeffery Arhin—shared their unique PhD journeys in global health. Their stories revealed that no two PhD paths are alike, and each path is full of challenges and triumphs. Here is what we learned: 

πŸ” The start of the PhD journey

Interestingly, none of the speakers planned to pursue a PhD from the start. Their journeys began through projects and research they were already involved in, and eventually, they found themselves deep in academic work. For some, it was as though they were already doing a PhD without realising it!

⚠️ Things to know before starting a PhD

Find a topic you are passionate about because the journey is not always easy. Writing is a creative and inconsistent process that cannot always be forced. In the Netherlands, PhD programs are typically more independent compared to other regions like the U.S., where there is often more structured supervision. Collaboration with peers and attending (lab) meetings can help keep you engaged, and self-care is crucial.

🌟 Highlights and challenges of the PhD journey

The most rewarding moments often come from seeing the potential impact of their research on global health. The PhD journey itself can feel messy and challenging, and candidates learn to balance personal and academic growth along the way. One important takeaway is that there is no single “right way” to approach your research.

πŸŽ“ Career paths for PhD graduates

A PhD in global health can open up a range of opportunities in academia, international organisations, NGOs, and policy-making bodies. It’s a versatile qualification that can take you in many directions.

πŸ’‘ Advice for aspiring PhD candidates

Networking is key! The speakers emphasised that engaging with others in the field, sharing your passion and exploring various approaches to research can really open doors. Before diving into a PhD, gaining experience in research—whether through publishing papers or fieldwork—is very useful. Don’t forget to keep your LinkedIn updated with relevant keywords, and check out platforms like academictransfer.com for opportunities.

For anyone considering a PhD in global health, these insights offer an honest look at what to expect along the way. A big thank you to the wonderful speakers for sharing their stories!






Kenniscentrum Global Health (KCGH)
Arthur van Schendelstraat 650
3511 MJ Utrecht

KVK 78717590


The KCGH (Knowledge Centre for Global Health) was established by the NVTG (Netherlands Society for Tropical Medicine and International Health) and the OIGT (Organization for International Health Cooperation) to make global health knowledge accessible and usable for the Dutch healthcare sector. KCGH is subsidised by the Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sport.

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