
Conducting socially responsible research

The guideline Socially Responsible Research has been developed to support (future) researchers in designing, conducting, and disseminating (bio)medical research in a socially responsible manner. This practical guideline includes a checklist, useful links and tools, and reflective questions on topics such as open science, evidence-based research, equitable participation, practical implementation, and ecological sustainability.


In practice, we find that despite good intentions, research often fails to meet societal needs. Research questions can frequently be sufficiently answered using existing literature, marginalised groups are often excluded from studies, and (bio)medical research tends to have a significant negative environmental impact. This guideline aims to make (future) researchers aware of the complexity and responsibility that comes with scientific research.

For whom?

This guideline is written for students and teachers but is relevant to anyone involved in (bio)medical research. 



This guideline was developed within the Faculty of Medicine at the University Medical Centre Utrecht (UMC Utrecht), by the Planetary Health Integration Team. The first version was created with input from various experts in different types of (bio)medical research, as well as diversity, inclusion, and sustainability. Just as society and science are constantly evolving, this document will continue to adapt to new insights. Feedback to further improve the guideline is greatly appreciated and can be submitted to Arte Groenewegen (negeweneorgetra.[antispam].@gmail.com) and Anjali Wijnhoven (nevohnjiwilajna.[antispam].@gmail.com).

How can I access the guideline? 

Simply by clicking here or on the image of the guideline below. This will open the guideline in a new tab, from where you can save it on your device.


This document may be cited as follows:

Groenewegen AD, Wijnhoven AM, Janmaat J, de Kort MAC, Dekkers JF, et al. Guideline Socially Responsible Research (Version 1.0). November 2024. Available from: www.kcgh.nl//handreiking-maatschappelijk-verantwoord-onderzoek-en



Kenniscentrum Global Health (KCGH)
Arthur van Schendelstraat 650
3511 MJ Utrecht

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The KCGH (Knowledge Centre for Global Health) was established by the NVTG (Netherlands Society for Tropical Medicine and International Health) and the OIGT (Organization for International Health Cooperation) to make global health knowledge accessible and usable for the Dutch healthcare sector. KCGH is subsidised by the Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sport.

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