Organised activities


Activities (co-)organised by KCGH

Every year, KCGH plays a role in facilitating various activities. A significant portion of these activities involves working group initiatives, where we support NVTG working groups on various fronts to achieve their goals, such as hosting webinars or organizing symposia. In addition, we also coordinate standalone events, including the Dutch Global Health Film Festival, Global Health Day and inspiring symposia. For all our activities, the dissemination of Global Health knowledge or awareness must remain at the forefront. Find an overview of activities that we have (co-)organised in the past below.


General activities

Transformative Change & Leadership Course


  • Date: March 28, April 4, 11, 18, and May 9 tlc

KCGH is thrilled to reflect on the success of the Transformative Change and Leadership Course #2023, spanning five sessions. This comprehensive course provided participants with a deep dive into various facets of transformative change.

Throughout the sessions, participants engaged in discussions on effective advocacy strategies, theory of change development, stakeholder mapping, and implementation planning. The course equipped them with practical tools and frameworks essential for navigating the intricacies of transformative change.

Noteworthy workshop activities included a case study analysis of successful primary care partnerships between AMREF and Philipps, revealing key factors for collaboration success. Lindy van Vliet guided participants in stakeholder analyses for transformative change through health advocacy. Each session also featured an "inspiration-45" segment, with distinguished speakers like Rebecca Gomperts sharing expertise on telemedicine and self-managed abortion.

Special thanks go to the passionate workshop leaders and inspirational speakers who contributed to the dynamic learning environment. The diverse perspectives of course participants enriched the learning community, fostering a vibrant atmosphere for collective growth and collaboration.

As participants embark on applying their newfound knowledge, we anticipate positive contributions towards creating a better future.

 The success of this year's Transformative Change & Leadership Course underscores its value for those passionate about driving positive change. The course is returning in 2024! We encourage professionals to invest in their development and join a network of change-makers dedicated to shaping a brighter world! Access more details about the course here.

Dutch Global Health Film Festival: Edition 2023


  • Date: April 3, Utrechtwhatsapp-image-2023-04-03-at-22-53-48

The sixth edition of the festival showcased fascinating films that provided insight into urgent global health issues. Two impressive documentaries were shown. "The Erie Situation" (2021), directed by David Ruck, explored the challenges faced by Toledo, Ohio, during a bloom of toxic algae. This crisis revealed the vulnerability of freshwater sources worldwide. The second film, "The New Boats" (2022), directed by Lansana Mansaray, addressed the impact of international industrialized fishing in West African waters, especially in Sierra Leone. After the screenings, there was an engaging panel discussion led by Babah Terawally, Jeffrie Quarsie, and Elena Alam, focusing on the intersections between health, climate change, and global perspectives.

The Dutch Global Health Film Festival once again proved to be an insightful and engaging platform, stimulating discussions about urgent global health challenges through impactful documentaries and reaching a broader audience. In 2024, the film festival will return! Keep an eye on the festival's website. film festival’s website.

Decolonising Global Health sessions


  • Date: March 14 & 28 pxl-20230314-184641518-1-2400x1700

In partnership with KIT Royal Tropical Institute, the Knowledge Centre for Global Health (KCGH) orchestrated the "Decolonising Global Health Sessions”. This event featured a presentation by Tamman Aloudat, Chair of Médecins Sans Frontières, and a workshop emphasising positioning, epistemic justice, and critical awareness.

In light of recent COVID-19 experiences, the urgency of decolonising global health was spotlighted. Aloudat revealed how the unequal distribution of vaccines globally exposed structures rooted in colonialism. It was stressed that global health's current state is a product of its colonial history, with oppressive structures still shaping present-day global health inequalities.

Aloudat painted a stark picture of future challenges, pointing out the inadequacy of the current global health system to address impending increases in hunger, displacement, and conflict.

Participants were urged to create an emancipatory space, giving a voice to those served in global health. The KIT workshop fostered critical awareness through group exercises, prompting reflection on research guideline creators, perpetuated narratives, and personal roles in global health.

This event not only shed light on the imperative to decolonize global health but also provided participants with actionable insights, aligning with KCGH's commitment to addressing pressing global health issues.

Global Health Day & General Meeting NVTG


  • Date: June 1 

Together with the NVTG, we created an insightful event unfolded under the theme "Beyond Buzzwords: Making a Practice of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion." Attendees gathered for a dynamic program focused on fostering meaningful conversations and practical strategies in these critical areas.

 Programme Highlights:

  • Talk from Gidado Mustapha, Executive Director KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation: Gidado Mustapha, the Executive Director of KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation, delivered an insightful talk, sharing valuable perspectives on the practical implementation of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Dialogue: An interactive dialogue session provided a platform for attendees to share experiences, insights, and challenges related to diversity, equity, and inclusion in their respective fields.
  • Roadmap NVTG Presentation: The event featured the presentation of the NVTG roadmap. This roadmap is in line with the 5-year plan, presented in 2022. It describes the three themes that the NVTG is committed to, with concrete actions and activities formulated and plotted over time.
  • General Meeting NVTG: The program concluded with a general meeting of the NVTG, where key discussions and decisions were made to further promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within the organisation.

This event served as a crucial step towards translating these principles into actionable practices, emphasising the importance of making diversity, equity, and inclusion integral parts of professional endeavours.

Sparking Green Movement in the Funding Landscape - GreenLabs NL


  • Date: September 21 1694459382070-2

In 2023, KCGH supported the organisation Green Labs NL in organising a stakeholder conversation surrounding the funding landscape, with the vital question of how this can be made ‘greener’. Initiate knowledge-sharing and discussions with representatives from Dutch science funding organisations to enhance support and transition towards sustainable scientific practices.

"Sparking Green Movement in the Funding Landscape" convened 20 participants to foster knowledge-sharing and discussions among representatives of Dutch science funding organisations. The objective was to improve support and facilitate the transition towards sustainable scientific practices.

This event catalysed a discussion aimed at garnering support from Dutch funding organisations to champion the transition towards a sustainable scientific future. Many of the participating organisations were funders of health research, aligning with the broader Dutch initiative towards a more sustainable healthcare system.

The Green Care Festival - Groene Zorg Alliantie


  • Date: September 23 gzf-230923-alyssa-van-heyst-photography-92-2048x1426

In 2023, the Green Healthcare Alliance (Groene Zorg Alliantie), with the support of KCGH, organised its festival for the second time, providing an enriching experience for all attendees. The event featured captivating speakers, practical workshops, networking opportunities, music, comedy, and delightful sustainable catering.

Esteemed speakers such as Marcel Levi, Wanda de Kanter, and Michelle van Tongerloo graced the stage, contributing valuable insights to the day. Throughout the event, participants had the chance to engage in practical workshops, covering topics like effective communication and measuring environmental impact. The festival also offered a feast for the senses with sustainable catering, live music, stand-up comedy, and artistic displays.

Open to everyone connected to the healthcare sector, from healthcare professionals to support staff, from executives to interns, the festival provided a platform for networking and collaboration. By the end of the day, all attendees left with a wealth of new connections and the empowering belief that positive change is achievable in the healthcare sector.

The Great Coherence Debate


  • Date: December 8 debate-poster-updated-english

In collaboration with Vice Versa, The Great Coherence Debate unfolded in Dudok, The Hague, for its second edition. The focus centred on the Netherlands' approach to coherence policy in the coming years, specifically addressing Vaccine and Global Health Inequalities.

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis, the event spotlighted the stark global disparities in healthcare access. Tackling vaccine and global health inequalities was a primary concern, aligning with the Policy Coherence for Development Action Plan outlined on November 25, 2022.

Concurrently, the Dutch Global Health Strategy emphasised the Netherlands' commitment to fostering global access to vaccines and medicines. The debate widened its scope to encompass broader discussions on system change and access to medicines, aiming to be a solution-oriented and insightful meeting.

Hosted by Kido Koenig, the debate featured speakers from the Netherlands and LMICs. Key questions explored during the event included translating principles like 'justice' and 'leaving no one behind' into practical actions, identifying concrete contributions from the Netherlands, and understanding ongoing initiatives in the Global South regarding drug development and production.

The debate served as a platform for constructive dialogue, emphasising global solidarity and concerted efforts to address the challenges of health inequalities on a global scale.



Working group activities

Symposium: Safe Motherhood: Migration and Pregnancy


  • Working group: Medicine on the Movesymposium2
  • Date: February 18

Facilitated by KCGH, Medicine on the Move, the Global Health Hub Groningen (GHHG), and the Global Health Unit of the UMCG to host the "Safe Motherhood: Migration and Pregnancy" symposium in Groningen. This collaborative event, attended by 41 participants, explored the challenges faced by pregnant women with a refugee background.

Featuring notable speakers, including B Ansari, a public health professional and gynaecologist, the symposium addressed the unique healthcare experiences of displaced populations during the peripartum period. The event aimed to raise awareness and foster dialogue on the complexities surrounding maternity care for refugee women, recognising the additional hurdles they encounter.

By facilitating discussions and sharing expert insights, the symposium contributed to a deeper understanding of the issues surrounding safe motherhood in the context of migration. The recording of the event is available here, allowing those who missed it to access valuable information. This successful collaboration underscores KCGH's dedication to addressing critical global health issues and promoting inclusivity and knowledge exchange within the healthcare community.

Symposium: Maternal Mortality and Morbidity - Local and Global Perspectives


  • Date: April 19
  • Working group: International Safe Motherhood & Reproductive Health

The symposium 'Maternal Mortality and Morbidity: Local and Global Perspectives' served as a celebration of the PhD defences of Steffie Heemelaar (Leiden University) and Anke Heitkamp (Amsterdam UMC, VU University, and Stellenbosch University). Passionate experts from various institutes shared the latest insights on maternal health surveillance and response.

The event took place with 90 live attendees and 80 online participants. The lineup of speakers included Anke Heitkamp, Steffie Heemelaar, Shonag Mackenzie, Hannah Sebitloane, Gerhard Theron, Rebecca Painter, Salome Maswime, Jos van Roosmalen, and Tuwilika Endjala.

The symposium aimed to facilitate knowledge exchange among experts from South Africa, Namibia, and the Netherlands on monitoring and improving maternal care. Panel discussions explored various approaches to enhance maternal outcomes, providing valuable insights for the audience. 

The hybrid symposium provided a platform for experts and attendees to contribute to the vital conversation on maternal health, fostering a collaborative approach to advancing maternal care globally.

Webinar Series on Inclusive Primary Healthcare


  • Working group: Working group of Dutch Family Physicians in international healthcare d71df1e5-c371-4424-b00a-196f6b63c993(Werkgroep Huisartsgeneeskunde & internationale gezondheidszorg WHIG)
  • Dates: August 31 - November 2

The healthcare for certain marginalised populations in Dutch society is suboptimal. To address this, a series of hybrid webinars were organised to focus on improving healthcare for these populations. The webinars brought together experts to discuss healthcare issues and potential solutions or improvements for general and specialist care in the Netherlands.

In collaboration with the Knowledge Centre for Global Health (KCGH), WHIG conducted a series of four webinars aimed at promoting inclusive general practice. Each webinar, held live in Amsterdam and virtually, featured a panel of international speakers discussing various topics:

  • Refugee/Undocumented care in the Netherlands
  • Community-Oriented Primary Care
  • Tropical Infectious Diseases in the Netherlands
  • Dermatology on Dark Skin

These well-attended webinars, with over 100 participants each session, facilitated discussions on inclusive healthcare practices. The recorded sessions are available for viewing on the KCGH website, allowing for broader access to the valuable insights shared during these webinars.

Webinar series Zorg voor Klimaat


  • Working group: Care for Climate (Zorg voor Klimaat) 1693211189753
  • Dates: September 4 - December 12

Zorg voor Klimaat annually organises a webinar series to disseminate information on Planetary Health. Building on the basics introduced in 2021, this year's focus was on biodiversity and health, medication, infection prevention, and child health. The goal was to provide crucial information for healthcare professionals on sustainability, infection prevention/medication, climate and paediatric medicine.

These engaging sessions aimed to provide valuable information to healthcare professionals on topics related to Planetary Health.

In 2023, the following topics were discussed:

  • Biodiversity and Health - Exploring the interconnections between biodiversity and human health.
  • Infection Prevention and Sustainability - Discussing sustainable practices in infection prevention.
  • Medication and Sustainability - Examining the impact of medication on the environment and sustainable alternatives.
  • Paediatric Medicine and Climate Change - Addressing the intersection of child health and climate change.

Each webinar attracted a significant audience, with 80 to 115 participants in attendance. The series delved into various Planetary Health themes, providing information on sustainability, infection prevention, medication, climate, and paediatric health.

Recordings of all webinars are available for interested individuals by sending an email to ofni.[antispam], ensuring accessibility for those eager to catch up on these informative sessions.



ECTMIH2023 & side events 

NVTG en KCGH hebben nauw samengewerkt met UMC Utrecht en FESTMIH aan
de totstandkoming van de 13e editie van de European Conference on Global Health (ECTMIH2023): Het vormgeven van de toekomst van rechtvaardige en duurzame planetair gezondheid. Het was echter niet alleen de conferentie; ook de ECTMIH Academy en bepaalde nevenevenementen werden door KCGH georganiseerd.

The European Conference on Global Health (ECTMIH2023)


  • Dates: November 20-23 ecftmih2023-utrecht-2

As said, the biggest event organised of the year entailed the European Conference on Global Health (ECTMIH2023), in late November. With over a hundred sessions, divided over 2 locations in the heart of Utrecht, we delved deeper with over 1.500 delegates into the science surrounding planetary and global health. We went beyond the scientific programme, including arts, music and more, to not only activate our minds but also our hearts and bodies.

We once more would like to thank our esteemed speakers, dedicated chairs, meticulous organisers, and all volunteers and delegates who contributed to the success of this event!

Did you miss ECTMIH2023?

Don't fret! The sessions from the main hall have been recorded. You can find these via KCGH’s YouTube channel. 

See you at ECTMIH2025?

Stay connected with us through FESTMIH, NVTG, Knowledge Centre Global Health (KCGH), and UMC Utrecht, and all other partners. We look forward to meeting you again during ECTMIH2025 in Hamburg, Germany: 29th September - 2nd October 2025.


Next to the main conference, KCGH was involved in the organisation of several events that took place in de periphery of ECTMIH2023.


ECTMIH Academy - Science communication webinar series


  • Dates: October 17-19 liesbeth-smit-workshop-impact-wetenschapscommunicatie-the-online-scientist

In anticipation of ECTMIH, three dynamic online workshops were organised to enhance the science communication skills of presenters. These workshops provided an invaluable opportunity for ECTMIH participants to refine their abilities in presenting scientific information effectively. The webinars were given by Liesbeth Smit and Stephan van Duin.

  • Workshop 1: Design Better Poster Presentations: 
Learn the art of creating attention-grabbing poster presentations. This workshop guided participants on using design principles to enhance message clarity and visual appeal. Examples of both excellent and subpar scientific design were explored, teaching attendees to craft clear layouts and effectively use colours, fonts, icons, images, and graphs.
  • Workshop 2: Create Engaging Presentation Slides: 
Transform bullet points into captivating slides that keep your audience engaged. This session offered insights on structuring slides efficiently, sourcing images and icons, and utilising Slide Master to streamline presentation creation.
  • Workshop 3: Write a Pitch to Match Your Poster: 
Acknowledging that a poster presentation is both visual and verbal, this workshop focused on crafting a concise pitch to effectively convey key points during poster tours or interactions. Participants learned to quickly capture their audience's attention and deliver a compelling message.
ECTMIH Academy Day


  • Date: November 19 logoectmih2023-congress-academy

 The inaugural ECTMIH Academy unfolded on November 19, 2023, offering a full-day programme brimming with inspiration from prominent speakers. Held just before the ECTMIH 2023 Congress, the Academy took place at the Social Impact Factory in Utrecht, complemented by various venues across the city.

Open to all, the ECTMIH Academy welcomed both ECTMIH delegates and individuals not attending the Congress. The program was crafted to rejuvenate and refine academic, professional, and creative skills. Notable sessions included insights from Seye Abimbola, Editor-in-Chief of BMJ Global Health, who offered valuable advice on getting published. Additionally, Chidiebere Ibe, a keynote speaker at the congress, shared expertise in designing contemporary illustrations for global health.

A dedicated pre-conference workshop series catered specifically to early to mid-career researchers and other global health professionals. With 28 workshops, the program covered diverse topics such as navigating the publishing landscape amidst evolving global health discourse, contemporary approaches to engaging in global health, the art of storytelling for broader public outreach, and discussions on doughnut economics. The Academy provided a unique platform for skill development, networking, and knowledge exchange.

Special ECTMIH Academy Workshop: Photovoice


  • Datum: 20 November 

The workshop comprised two parts. Firstly, an online asynchronous segment equipped participants with the basics and preparation needed before the face-to-face workshop. The research question focused on "Planetary Health." The second part unfolded at Utrecht University Green Offices on Monday, November 20th. During this face-to-face session, participants delved into data analysis, selected impactful photographs, and collectively shaped their research.

Led by Karijn Kakebeeke, a seasoned photojournalist with a unique perspective, the workshop aimed to empower academics and individuals interested in working with hard-to-reach and vulnerable populations within the framework of Planetary Health.

Film screening: The Green City Life


  • Date: November 22 1700813102655

The Green City Life documentary screening and panel discussion provided an insightful exploration of the future of cities, delving into the intersection of urban living, nature, and health. Hosted at Kinepolis, the event welcomed participants to a thought-provoking evening, featuring the documentary "Green City Life" and engaging discussions.

The documentary highlighted innovative solutions for healthier urban environments, exploring concepts like revegetation, urban farming, and bio-waste recovery. Following the screening, the expert panel, along with the audience, engaged in a discussion and Q&A session.

Moderated by Petra Hongell from the WHO Regional Office for Europe, the panel included experts such as Professor Oscar Franco, Director of the Department of Global Public Health Bioethics at Utrecht University, Annemiek Lauwerijssen, Senior Policy Officer at the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (The Netherlands), and Carlos Moreno, a Sorbonne University Professor and the creator of the 15-minute city concept.

The event, organised together with the WHO Regional Office for Europe, the Healthy Cities Network Conference, ECTMIH2023, and partners including the City of Utrecht and the Dutch Global Health Film Festival, aimed to address the critical question of what makes a city healthy and sustainable. With English subtitles for the film and an English-language discussion, the evening fostered knowledge-sharing and dialogue around creating greener and healthier cities for all.

Public Dialogues (2x)


  • Date: November 21 public-dialogue

Together with the student organisation Van Hier Naar […], KCGH organised two public dialogues to extend the discussion beyond the walls of ECTMIH into Utrecht. Together with experts and the general public, we delved further into two topics:

1) The role of commercial determinants of health: This engaging session invited participants to delve into the profound impact of commercial forces on global well-being.

Introduced by the WHO in March 2023, the concept of commercial determinants illuminated the hidden forces influencing health, extending from the marketing of unhealthy products to the sway of pharmaceutical giants over health policies. The public dialogue aimed to achieve several key objectives:

  • Raise Awareness: Shedding light on these determinants and their intricate connections with social, political, and economic factors.
  • Foster Dialogue: Facilitating a much-needed public conversation involving stakeholders from diverse sectors.
  • Advocate for Policy Recognition: Emphasising the importance of acknowledging commercial determinants in policies safeguarding public health. 

Esteemed experts, including Nicholas Freudenberg, Distinguished Professor of Public Health at the City University of New York; Floor Haalboom, a medical and environmental historian; and Ankie van Wersch-Lenders, Managing Director/CEO of IMAGINE LEADER, brought their insights to the discussion.

 Together, participants explored the complex intersections of commerce, society, and health, gaining valuable insights that contribute to the collective effort of creating a healthier world for all. The event exemplified the power of informed dialogue in addressing challenges at the nexus of health and commerce.


2) The influence of exposomes on the citizens of Utrecht: publieksdialoog-heel-utrecht-gezond-poster-pdf
In an attempt to build bridges between the international audience of ECTMIH2023 and the locals of Utrecht, this public dialogue delved deeper into the specifics of the Province of Utrecht.

The session illuminated the persistent health disparities within the affluent Netherlands and the progressive city of Utrecht. Addressing the audience, the dialogue acknowledged that, even in a prosperous nation, people's health outcomes are significantly influenced by factors beyond individual control.

Key highlights of the discussion included:

  • Health Disparities: Exploring the stark differences in life expectancy and perceived health between neighbourhoods, emphasising that where one is born profoundly shapes opportunities for a healthy life.
  • Determinants of Health: Investigating the detrimental role of the environment in shaping life chances and health outcomes, raising questions about the injustice embedded in these disparities.
  • Critical Factors: Delving into crucial aspects such as the first 1000 days of life, the exposome, and the role of ethnicity in determining health trajectories.

The public went into conversation together with renowned specialists, Dr Hafez Ismaili M’hamdi, Medical ethicist and member of the Raad voor Volksgezondheid & Samenleving, contributing insights on the moral responsibilities of parents and society for the health of future generations; Prof. Dr Kitty Bloemenkamp, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at UMC Utrecht, shedding light on aspects related to maternal and child health; and Dr Mirthe Muilwijk, epidemiologist and Postdoctoral researcher at Amsterdam UMC, specialising in health disparities linked to ethnicity.



Kenniscentrum Global Health (KCGH)
Arthur van Schendelstraat 650
3511 MJ Utrecht

KVK 78717590


The KCGH (Knowledge Centre for Global Health) was established by the NVTG (Netherlands Society for Tropical Medicine and International Health) and the OIGT (Organization for International Health Cooperation) to make global health knowledge accessible and usable for the Dutch healthcare sector. KCGH is subsidised by the Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sport.

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